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Reports formatted results from domin class object.


# S3 method for domin
print(x, ...)



an object of class "domin".


further arguments passed to or from other methods. Not used currently.


The "domin" object with altered column and row names for conditional and complete dominance results as displayed in the console.


The print method for class domin objects reports out the following results:

  • Fit statistic for the full model. The fit statistic for the all subsets model is reported here if there are any entries in all. The fit statistic for the constant model is reported here if there are any entries in consmodel.

  • Matrix describing general dominance statistics, standardized general dominance statistics, and the ranking of the general dominance statistics

  • If conditional is TRUE, matrix describing the conditional dominance designations

  • If complete is TRUE, matrix describing the complete dominance designations

  • If following summary.domin, matrix describing the strongest dominance designations between all independent variables

  • If there are entries in sets and/or all the terms included in each set as well as the terms in all subsets are reported

The domin print method alters dimension names for readability and they do not display as stored in the original domin object.