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Computes dominance statistics for predictive modeling functions that accept a formula.


  sets = NULL,
  all = NULL,
  conditional = TRUE,
  complete = TRUE,
  consmodel = NULL,
  reverse = FALSE,



An object of class formula or that can be coerced to class formula for use in the modeling function in reg. The terms on the right hand side of this formula are used as separate entries to the dominance analysis.

A valid formula_overall entry is necessary, even if only submitting entries in sets, to define a valid left hand side of the prediction equation (see examples). The function called in reg must accept one or more responses on the left hand side.


A function implementing the predictive (or "reg"ression) model called.

String function names (e.g., "lm"), function names (e.g., lm), or anonymous functions (e.g., function(x) lm(x)) are acceptable entries. This argument's contents are passed to and thus any function call would accept is valid.

The predictive model in reg must accept a formula object as its first argument or must be adapted to do so with a wrapper function.


List providing arguments to call a fit statistic extracting function (see details). The fitstat list must be of at least length two.

The first element of fitstat must be a function implementing the fit statistic extraction. String function names (e.g., "summary"), function names (e.g., summary), or anonymous functions (e.g., function(x) summary(x)) are acceptable entries. This element's contents are passed to and thus any function call would accept is valid.

The second element of fitstat must be the named element of the list or vector produced by the fit extractor function called in the first element of fitstat. This element must be a string (e.g., "r.squared").

All list elements beyond the second are submitted as additional arguments to the fit extractor function call.

The fit statistic extractor function in the first list element of fitstat must accept the model object produced by the predictive modeling function in reg as its first argument or be adapted to do so with a wrapper function.

The fit statistic produced must be scalar valued (i.e., vector of length 1).


A list with each element comprised of vectors containing variable/factor names or formula coercible strings.

Each separate list element-vector in sets is concatenated (when the list element-vector is of length > 1) and used as an entry to the dominance analysis along with the terms in formula_overall.


A vector of variable/factor names or formula coercible strings. The entries in this vector are concatenated (when of length > 1) but are not used in the dominance analysis. Rather the value of the fit statistic associated with these terms is removed from the dominance analysis; this vector is used like a set of covariates.

The entries in all are removed from and considered an additional component that explains the fit metric. As a result, the general dominance statistics will no longer sum to the overall fit metric and the standardized vector will no longer sum to 1.


Logical. If FALSE then conditional dominance matrix is not computed.

If conditional dominance is not desired as an importance criterion, avoiding computing the conditional dominance matrix can save computation time.


Logical. If FALSE then complete dominance matrix is not computed.

If complete dominance is not desired as an importance criterion, avoiding computing complete dominance designations can save computation time.


A vector of variable/factor names, formula coercible strings, or other formula terms (i.e., 1 to indicate an intercept). The entries in this vector are concatenated (when of length > 1) and, like the entries of all, are not used in the dominance analysis; this vector is used as an adjustment to the baseline value of the overall fit statistic.

The use of consmodel changes the interpretation of the the general and conditional dominance statistics. When consmodel is used, the general and conditional dominance statistics are reflect the difference between the constant model and the overall fit statistic values.

Typical usage of consmodel is to pass "1" to set the intercept as the baseline and control for its value when the baseline model's fit statistic value is not 0 (e.g., if using the AIC or BIC as a fit statistic; see examples).

As such, this vector is used to set a baseline for the fit statistic when it is non-0.


Logical. If TRUE then standardized vector, ranks, and complete dominance designations are reversed in their interpretation.

This argument should be changed to TRUE if the fit statistic used decreases with better fit to the data (e.g., AIC, BIC).


Additional arguments passed to the function call in the reg argument.


Returns an object of class "domin". An object of class "domin" is a list composed of the following elements:


Vector of general dominance statistics.


Vector of general dominance statistics normalized to sum to 1.


Vector of ranks applied to the general dominance statistics.


Matrix of conditional dominance statistics. Each row represents a term; each column represents an order of terms.


Logical matrix of complete dominance designations. The term represented in each row indicates dominance status; the terms represented in each columns indicates dominated-by status.


Value of fit statistic for the full model.


Value of fit statistic associated with terms in all.


Value of fit statistic associated with terms in consmodel.


The matched call.


List containing the full model and descriptions of terms in the full model by source.


domin automates the computation of all possible combination of entries to the dominance analysis (DA), the creation of formula objects based on those entries, the modeling calls/fit statistic capture, and the computation of all the dominance statistics for the user.

domin accepts only a "deconstructed" set of inputs and "reconstructs" them prior to formulating a coherent predictive modeling call.

One specific instance of this deconstruction is in generating the number of entries to the DA. The number of entries is taken as all the terms from formula_overall and the separate list element vectors from sets. The entries themselves are concatenated into a single formula, combined with the entries in all, and submitted to the predictive modeling function in reg. Each different combination of entries to the DA forms a different formula and thus a different model to estimate.

For example, consider this domin call:

domin(y ~ x1 + x2, lm, list(summary, "r.squared"), sets = list(c("x3", "x4")), all = c("c1", "c2"), data = mydata))

This call records three entries and results in seven (i.e., \(2^3 - 1\)) different combinations:

  1. x1

  2. x2

  3. x3, x4

  4. x1, x2

  5. x1, x3, x4

  6. x2, x3, x4

  7. x1, x2, x3, x4

domin parses formula_overall to obtain all the terms in it and combines them with sets. When parsing formula_overall, only the processing that is available in the stats package is applied. Note that domin is not programmed to process terms of order > 1 (i.e., interactions/products) appropriately (i.e., only include in the presence of lower order component terms). domin also does not allow offset terms.

From these combinations, the predictive models are constructed and called. The predictive model call includes the entries in all, applies the appropriate formula, and reconstructs the function itself. The seven combinations above imply the following series of predictive model calls:

  1. lm(y ~ x1 + c1 + c2, data = mydata)

  2. lm(y ~ x2 + c1 + c2, data = mydata)

  3. lm(y ~ x3 + x4 + c1 + c2, data = mydata)

  4. lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + c1 + c2, data = mydata)

  5. lm(y ~ x1 + x3 + x4 + c1 + c2, data = mydata)

  6. lm(y ~ x2 + x3 + x4 + c1 + c2, data = mydata)

  7. lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + c1 + c2, data = mydata)

It is possible to use a domin with only sets (i.e., no IVs in formula_overall; see examples below). There must be at least two entries to the DA for domin to run.

All the called predictive models are submitted to the fit extractor function implied by the entries in fitstat. Again applying the example above, all seven predictive models' objects would be individually passed as follows:


where lm_obj is the model object returned by lm.

The entries to fitstat must be as a list and follow a specific structure: list(fit_function, element_name, ...)


First element and function to be applied to the object produced by the reg function


Second element and name of the element from the object returned by fit_function to be used as a fit statistic. The fit statistic must be scalar-valued/length 1


Subsequent elements and are additional arguments passed to fit_function

In the case that the model object returned by reg includes its own fit statistic without the need for an extractor function, the user can apply an anonymous function following the required format to extract it.


domin is an R port of the Stata command with the same name (see Luchman, 2021).

domin has been superseded by domir.


Luchman, J. N. (2021). Relative importance analysis in Stata using dominance analysis: domin and domme. The Stata Journal, 21, 2. doi: 10.1177/1536867X211025837.


## Basic linear model with r-square

domin(mpg ~ am + vs + cyl, 
  list("summary", "r.squared"), 
  data = mtcars)
#> Overall Fit Statistic:      0.7619773 
#> General Dominance Statistics:
#>     General Dominance Standardized Ranks
#> am          0.1774892    0.2329324     3
#> vs          0.2027032    0.2660226     2
#> cyl         0.3817849    0.5010450     1
#> Conditional Dominance Statistics:
#>        IVs: 1    IVs: 2      IVs: 3
#> am  0.3597989 0.1389842 0.033684441
#> vs  0.4409477 0.1641982 0.002963748
#> cyl 0.7261800 0.3432799 0.075894823
#> Complete Dominance Designations:
#>             Dmnated?am Dmnated?vs Dmnated?cyl
#> Dmnates?am          NA         NA       FALSE
#> Dmnates?vs          NA         NA       FALSE
#> Dmnates?cyl       TRUE       TRUE          NA

## Linear model including sets

domin(mpg ~ am + vs + cyl, 
  list("summary", "r.squared"), 
  data = mtcars, 
  sets = list(c("carb", "gear"), c("disp", "wt")))
#> Overall Fit Statistic:      0.851596 
#> General Dominance Statistics:
#>      General Dominance Standardized Ranks
#> am          0.09446712    0.1109295     5
#> vs          0.10957434    0.1286694     4
#> cyl         0.19767129    0.2321186     3
#> set1        0.20978183    0.2463396     2
#> set2        0.24010141    0.2819429     1
#> Conditional Dominance Statistics:
#>         IVs: 1     IVs: 2     IVs: 3      IVs: 4       IVs: 5
#> am   0.3597989 0.07688044 0.01944026 0.010342235 0.0058737118
#> vs   0.4409477 0.09276443 0.01167477 0.001799976 0.0006848322
#> cyl  0.7261800 0.19877978 0.04304518 0.015251991 0.0050994979
#> set1 0.7343966 0.20916653 0.05695739 0.030887988 0.0175006137
#> set2 0.7809306 0.24778381 0.08623238 0.051865275 0.0336949874
#> Complete Dominance Designations:
#>              Dmnated?am Dmnated?vs Dmnated?cyl Dmnated?set1 Dmnated?set2
#> Dmnates?am           NA         NA          NA        FALSE        FALSE
#> Dmnates?vs           NA         NA       FALSE        FALSE        FALSE
#> Dmnates?cyl          NA       TRUE          NA        FALSE        FALSE
#> Dmnates?set1       TRUE       TRUE        TRUE           NA        FALSE
#> Dmnates?set2       TRUE       TRUE        TRUE         TRUE           NA
#> Components of sets:
#> set1 : carb gear 
#> set2 : disp wt 

## Multivariate linear model with custom multivariate r-square function 
## and all subsets variable

Rxy <- function(obj, names, data) {
   return(list("r2" = cancor(predict(obj),, as.environment(data))))[["cor"]][1]^2)) 
domin(cbind(wt, mpg) ~ vs + cyl + am, 
  list(Rxy, "r2", c("mpg", "wt"), mtcars), 
  data = mtcars, 
  all = c("carb"))
#> Overall Fit Statistic:      0.8384378 
#> All Subsets Fit Statistic:  0.3137993 
#> General Dominance Statistics:
#>     General Dominance Standardized Ranks
#> vs         0.07169528   0.08551056     3
#> cyl        0.21206213   0.25292531     2
#> am         0.24088099   0.28729741     1
#> Conditional Dominance Statistics:
#>        IVs: 1     IVs: 2      IVs: 3
#> vs  0.1761112 0.03768107 0.001293536
#> cyl 0.4307370 0.17804791 0.027401478
#> am  0.4311156 0.20686678 0.084660605
#> Complete Dominance Designations:
#>             Dmnated?vs Dmnated?cyl Dmnated?am
#> Dmnates?vs          NA       FALSE      FALSE
#> Dmnates?cyl       TRUE          NA      FALSE
#> Dmnates?am        TRUE        TRUE         NA
#> All subsets variables: carb

## Sets only

domin(mpg ~ 1, 
  list("summary", "r.squared"), 
  data = mtcars, 
  sets = list(c("am", "vs"), c("cyl", "disp"), c("qsec", "carb")))
#> Overall Fit Statistic:      0.8344278 
#> General Dominance Statistics:
#>      General Dominance Standardized Ranks
#> set1         0.3197289    0.3831715     2
#> set2         0.3677706    0.4407459     1
#> set3         0.1469282    0.1760826     3
#> Conditional Dominance Statistics:
#>         IVs: 1     IVs: 2     IVs: 3
#> set1 0.6860825 0.24773691 0.02536743
#> set2 0.7595658 0.29577856 0.04796742
#> set3 0.3092531 0.07493621 0.05659539
#> Complete Dominance Designations:
#>              Dmnated?set1 Dmnated?set2 Dmnated?set3
#> Dmnates?set1           NA        FALSE           NA
#> Dmnates?set2         TRUE           NA           NA
#> Dmnates?set3           NA           NA           NA
#> Components of sets:
#> set1 : am vs 
#> set2 : cyl disp 
#> set3 : qsec carb 
## Constant model using AIC

domin(mpg ~ am + carb + cyl, 
  list(function(x) list(aic = extractAIC(x)[[2]]), "aic"), 
  data = mtcars, 
  reverse = TRUE, consmodel = "1")
#> Overall Fit Statistic:      68.57997 
#> Constant Model Fit Statistic:  115.9434 
#> General Dominance Statistics:
#>      General Dominance Standardized Ranks
#> am          -11.392847    0.2405407     2
#> carb         -8.862961    0.1871265     3
#> cyl         -27.107674    0.5723328     1
#> Conditional Dominance Statistics:
#>          IVs: 1    IVs: 2     IVs: 3
#> am   -12.271136 -13.71691  -8.190499
#> carb  -9.574847 -11.18702  -5.827017
#> cyl  -39.449099 -29.43173 -12.442191
#> Complete Dominance Designations:
#>              Dmnated?am Dmnated?carb Dmnated?cyl
#> Dmnates?am           NA         TRUE       FALSE
#> Dmnates?carb      FALSE           NA       FALSE
#> Dmnates?cyl        TRUE         TRUE          NA